Movement Family Farm image

Movement Family Farm

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We are a collective of Afro-descended people building an ecologically and economically regenerative farm and gathering space to cultivate a re-connection with the land, while nourishing an enduring and transformative intergenerational community of predominantly people of color.

We believe in:

  • The power and importance of intergenerational connection and responsibility.
  • Collective leadership that honors women, children, and blood and chosen family relationships.
  • Honoring and recognizing the diversity of humanity and all other beings.
  • Centering the experiences and leadership of the most marginalized in our Afrikan descended
  • communities: trans and queer folk, undocumented people, youth and elders, women, poor and low-income people.
  • Embodying the world we dream of; building non-hierarchical relationships grounded in mutual respect and self-reflective/non-violent speech and action.
  • Recognizing the intersection of the spiritual and the political; we exist to support both inner and collective liberation.
  • Liberatory relationships and economics grounded in a love and respect for all Life and collective well being.
  • Creating inclusive spaces that are primarily for and by people of color with people of color in leadership.
  • Developing cooperative and sustainable models that are alternatives to empire, capitalism, colonialism and patriarchy.
  • Primary objective and specific vision for what happens on the land:
  • Build on existing deep relationships to develop a community that will collectively develop a vision of cooperative economics and learn together in the process.
  • Establish an urban-rural connection to deepen our relationship with the land and build resilience to climate change and ecological crises.
  • Create a working “regenerative” farm with the primary purpose of feeding 30+ families while building a community of individuals to collectively own the farm and actively participate as “CSA” Members recipients both benefiting from the bounty while also working to produce it.
  • Share the alternative model of farming, intergenerational community and cooperative economics with broader communities.
  • To be economically and ecologically sustainable.